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The Republic of Zabloing, abbreviated as the ROZ is a democratic country in eastern Europe. The acting president is Viktor Flyuschenko, Zurboing is also the Prime Minister. The capital is Zabiy, which is located on the Zabloing River.

The Republic of Zabloing is an unitary semi-presidential republic right now led by acting president and prime minister Zurboing who has been made president after former president Zabloing died in a battle. The Republic of Zabloing is a founding member of the Eastern European Economic and Trade Union and is a member of the EU.


The Republic of Zabloing borders Floppania, Flusynia, Sogland, Belaflop, Flopsha, Floppaslavia and Floppersia. And having few borders near Bingustan through Floppaslavian Flopperinburg. The Republic of Zabloing lies mostly in the Eastern European Plain. There are multiple fertile plains, steppes and plateaus located in the ROZ.

There are multiple rivers crossing through the ROZ, such as the Zabloing River, Sogersky Donets, Dniester and the Boh River. The Danube and Prut also define their border with Floppania. The ROZ's only mountains are the Carpathian Mountains, located on their border with Flusynia.


Golden Age of Zabiy[]

In the 9th century, the Zabiyan Flop' was founded by Sogans. By the 10th-11th centuries it was a hugely powerful state, it was the foundation of the Zabloingian and Flopshan ethnicities. When Vladimir the Floppa was coronated, he turned the Zabiyan Flop' towards Flyzantine Floppism.

The Googalian Invasion in the 13th century absolutely devastated the Zabiyan Flop', completely destroying it in 1240, leaving it to be ruled under Googas Khan until his death, when the Kingdom of Zabloing was formed.

Kingdom of Zabloing[]

After the death of Googas Khan and the collapse of the Googalian Empire, Vladimir I of the Zabloings established the Kingdom of Zabloing, which was dominated by curious caracals known as Zabloings.

In 1346, the Kingdom of Sogland invaded the Zabloingian Lands, intending to take all of it. However, after Zabiy was lost, the Zabloingians started to put up a tough fight, managing to stop the invasion by the Zabloing River. The Kingdom was crippled by this, and would take long to recover.

Shortly after the Sogish Occupations, the Tsardom of Sogmea was established on the Sogmean Peninsula, which was a Floppotoman Protectorate after 1475.

In 1698, the King of Zabloing had declared himself the "Protector of the Soggicans" after Pope Zabloing IV declared them heretics. He had threathened war if Soggicans weren't made equal. The Tsars of Floppaslavia and Floppersian declined this, wanting to remain holy. This resulted in the Second 30 Years War, which was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. Eventually, Zabloing was defeated and partitioned between Floppaslavia and Floppersia, forming it's modern-day east border.

Floppersian Rule (1728-1917)[]

ROZ map in 1999 after Zabloing-Flusynia war

ROZ Map in 1999 Before Flusynia and Sogmea Gained independece in 2006


Map of Floppersian expansion in Zabloing

Following the partitions, Floppersia sent royal guards to each major city in Zabloing and forced it's inhabitants to convert to Floppaslavian Floppism instead of Soggican. The government of the Zabloing Governorate lowered taxes for any Zabloingian people following Floppaslavian Floppism, while making the taxes higher for anyone who followed Soggican. Floppersia participated in the Partition of Sogland in 1795, acquiring the lands of western Zabloing, calling it the Zabiy Governorate upon acquiring it. 5 years later, the Floppersian-Sogmean War took place, where the Sultanate of Sogmea, a vessel of the Floppotoman Empire was invaded by Floppersia and annexed in 1801.

The Floppersian invasion of the Galician Republic took place in 1891. Floppersia, along with Sogland swiftly invaded Galicia and occupied it in 1982, incorporating it into each state divided by the Zabviv Line.

In 1914, when the Great Floppa War began, many Zabloingians rooted for Floppersia to win, however by 1916, many of Zabloing's population we're unhappy by the war and decided to revolt against the Floppersian Government and create an independent Zabloing state.

First Republic (1917-1945)[]

In 1917, the Zabloingian Governorate Council declared the de-facto independence of the Republic of Zabloing. The Zabloingian Army had tried to deny any Floppersian or Floppaslavian entry into Zabloing, however that quickly failed. They had to accept the entry of Floppersians and Floppaslavians, which unrecognized the state.

It didn't help that in early July of 1918, the Black Army attempted to establish Flopkhnovia, a stateless communist society situated in Central-East parts of territories claimed by the Republic of Zabloing. This never suceeded as in November 1918, the Treaty of Zabloing was signed, making the R.O.Z a recognized state.


Zabloing People's navy in Sogevastopol in 1918

In 1919, West Zabloing People's Republic And Zabloing People's Republic united under Matviy's rules, into full Republic, beating up Floppersian Empire the second time, with their win, where they got their old territories back, they built their navy, and 1 of them sunk mistaken to be Sogtish Ship, ship was sunk by Floppersians, Floppersians was trialed.

The new president, Andriy Zabloingski suceeded the leader of the republic from 1917 to 1918, Matviy Zablnenko. Andriy was however unpopular, he was a socialist which lead to the rise of fascist extremist groups in Zabloing. The government under Andriy was couped in 1927, when an extremist group named the Fascist Front couped the government.

The suceeding president was Tymofiy Flopanyk, who disbanded the Parliament and made himself the absolute leader of Zabloing. Tymofiy made strong ties with Nafi Flopmany who started trading resources with the Republic of Zabloing. The Ahrens-Flovk Agreement was held in 1938. It was the agreement that lead to the Zabloingian Intervention in Sogland, later splitting Sogland between Flopmany, Zabloing and Belaflop who supported the invasion.

The Ahrens-Flovk Agreement also lead to the Zabloingian annexation of Flakarpattia, a gain which it would have until the Flusynian Revolution in 1990. In 1940, the Republic of Zabloing invaded Floppania, seeking to re-annex Flopdavia which was lost from them after 1918. It ended in a pyrrhic victory in 1941, when Flopdavia was ceded to Zabloing by Floppania.

Revolution of Floppignity[]

In 1975, Under Viktor Flyanukovich's rule that was Pro-Bingustani leader of Republic Of Zabloing, Citizens in Zabiy become mad on Flyanukovich for that he said "We gonna confirm pact with Bingustan, Floppersia, Belaflop and Ourselves to form Soviet-Administrative Pro-Bingustani union" then people begin uprising,that caused formation of Free Zabiy Republic, In Next year police begin attacking protestors and snipers was burned down on buildings that was on fire, like Maidan of Zabloing Headquarters (AKA: Mall) and people was buying sniper rifles from Soglandian shops in Zabiy, and Bingustan population begin to lower as people got ahead in Floppaslavia and to Sogland to be safe from riot police.

2000 Coup D'etat[]

See 2000 ROZ Coup D'etat


Zabloingian Military in Flopskow, Flopsha going to Zabiy (1 day before Coup)

On 17 April, Government of ROZ under Zurboing's rule, said about overthrow of government, UFA Supported Citizens by sending a lot of M1 Flopbrams tanks for ZPA and Citizens UFA also sent soldiers, Zurboing announced surrender of AFR on 2 May of 2000 as almost all military was destroyed, UFA Tanks was delivered back and they left 500 tanks at Zabiy Tank Garage.

Invasion of New Rinkus[]

See this war page

In 2030, Unready Floppersian soldiers was about to fight too much soldiers of Flopsha, Floppaslavia and ROZ, ROZ has took New Rinkus on 30 April 2030, started on 19 March, 2030, Petro Floposhenko has killed Floppersian president in New Rinkus in end of war and New Rinkus has became part of ROZ (happy y'all that wanted New Rinkus Back?)

13th Floppersian War[]

See 13th Floppersian War

Sinking of Gloopoli[]

On 13 April 2006, Oleksiy Arestoflopovych, said that Neptune missile hit Gloopoli, the biggest and strongest Black Sea fleet ship was sunk, on 14 April 2006, Ship went Underwater, Floppersia claims explosion was the cause of her sinking.

Native Animals[]

  • Zabloingian Green-headed duck
  • Zabloingian Caracal eared serval
  • Super Duper Small Hamster

Zabloingian Green-headed Duck

Zabloingian Green-headed duck
