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The Floppa Cult Is an website created by 1 Billy. Go see 1 Billy to hear who he is (COMING SOON)

Floppa Cult is also an cult. But the website is something else created by the cult. The main coder being 1 billy. The Goverment of Bingustan tries to track 1 billy down. But never has been successful. You can do anything you want unless it's legal. Everything is illegal in Floppa Cult. Floogle has banned Floppa Cult many times. But still it comes back.


Drugs: Depends on what type of drug and what is it.

Hitman: 20,000$

Donating: Much as you want.

Funding rebels: Depends on the deal.

Starting terrorist attacks: 500,000$

Hijacking missiles: 125,000$

Illegal substances: 200$ Per Flop Flop substance.

[CLASSIFIED] Papers: 581 Billion (Never been bought.)

Floppa Guard: 10,000$ Per Guard.

Death Of 1 Billy[]

Hasn't happened yet.

Bingustan Attacks[]

During 2017. The Floppa Cult was hacked. It was Bingustan Hacked the system and tried to delete everything. They even tried to track down 1 billy during he was sleeping. But the site was quickly shut down by moderators.

2027 Bingustan Rebel Funding[]

During 2027, The Floppa Cult had over 100 Trillion US Flops. During that period. They quickly went to fund terrorists and Rebels. A Day has passed, The rebels Accepted the money offer. They sended terrorists and rebels started to invade cities from day to day. Bingustan Learned about it and then they sended military personel. However it was unsuccesful, Until UFA Stepped in. They sended some troops to defect some of the rebels. The rebels gave up eventually. Ending the not-so-long war.
