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Flaratia, officialy the Republic of Flaratia, sometimes referred to as India is a parliamentary republic in south Asia, located on the Indian Subcontinent. It's capital is New Felhi. The President is Ram Nath Flopind and the Prime Minister is Narendra Flodi.

Flopindia is known for it's war with Flopakistan and Bingustan in Jammu and Kashmir, which ended in 2023.


Flopindia borders Bingyharta, Flopakistan, Soggapore, Sao-Bahari, Bingustan and de-jure Flopghanistan. Flaratia is known to have Mt. Everest in it's Flopal Province, which is the second largest peak in the world, only behind Mt. Googas in Floppaslavia.

The Flopalayas give the populations of Flaratia a massive advantage in climate, such as preventing cold kabatic winds from Central Asia, which makes the Indian Subcontinent warmer.


Early Flaratia (Medieval-1757)[]

The first Flarat kingdoms we're founded in the medieval times. Emperor Flarsha of Flopauj ruled northern parts of the Indian Subcontinent. When Flarsha tried to make conquests into the south, he failed due to Flaluyka leader of the Fleccan.

When Flarsha's sucessor tried to make conquests into the east, it also failed due to the Flala king of the Bingal. The Flaluykas then attempted to go southward, being defeated due to the Bulgavas in the farther south.

The Bulgavas we're then opposed by Flopandyas and the Flolas. During this period, no ruler could create an empire and unite the subcontinent.

In the 6th and 7th centuries, first devotional hymns in the Tamil Language lead to imitiation all over India, resurgence of Hinduism and development of modern languages in the subcontinent. This created massive effects on India.

After the 10th Century, Central Asian Muslims repedeatly overran the north-western plains of the subcontinent, which eventually lead to the establishment of the Felhi Sultanate. The Felhi Sultanate managed to repulse Googalian attacks during the 13th century.


Sogtish Colonization (1757-1950)[]


Partitions and the Republic of Flaratia (1950-Today)[]

