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Prince Feodor Feodorovich Karakal, Duke of Fanterov and Flopuzhan, was a distinguished royal and a member of the Floppaslavian nobilities. He was the ruler of the provinces of Fanterov and Flopuzhan, leading the Army of Lower Floppaslavia. He was nicknamed "Feodor the Mediocre" because of the too conservative government that made him do nothing during his reign in the regions. He is the ancestor of Big Floppa, a well-known rapper.

After his death, the House of Karakal was disbanded since he was the last of them. His wife, Lyudmilla, lost her privileges as a province co-ruler, but she still retains her family's castle in Fanterov. Even though Nicholas Caracal was adopted 12 years later, the bloodline of the royalty couldn't continue since Nicholas wasn't the real son of Feodor.

Early Life[]

Feodor was the son of a royal with the same name, Feodor Karakalovich Flopanska. His grandfather, Karakal Flopanska, founded the House of Karakal. Feodor was born into a wealthy family, able to study in prestigious schools in Floppaslavia. Since a child, Feodor was always shy and withdrawn, just like when he ruled the provinces.

When he was 17, he went to the University of Flopscow, the best university in Floppaslavia. There, he learnt how to make money, and he performed very well in economics. But, his father wanted him to be the tsar of Floppaslavia, so he did what his father wanted. When his father died, he became the youngest in his family to be the house leader, the House of Karakal. But, he failed to be the tsar of Floppaslavia since no one could be the tsar except they're in the tsar's family.


When he was only 23, Feodor became the crown prince of the House of Karakal. He received his privileges and his power as the ruler of the Fanterov and Flopuzhan provinces. At first, he was helped by his mother, Ekaterina, to learn about laws and politics. He didn't like it, but he was forced to do it. Thus, Feodor Karakal's reign has provided nothing for the provinces, which means it was both good and bad for those provinces.

Even though a noble, he still often went outside his castle and tried to make money by selling goods. He made some money, but after his mother discovered his actions, he was locked in his room for two months. In 1829, he met a woman named Lyudmilla Lafloppov, a noble from the House of Foggis. They married but never had a natural kid.


On August 12, 1837, Feodor was found dead in his room in Tsar's Hotel, Flopscow. He was found lying on the ground with an open mouth, and he looked like trying to get the telephone. Further examination revealed that he got a heart attack, and he tried to call the reception when he fell and died. He was brought back to Fanterov a week later and was buried in his family's castle.


Ivan Bingov, Feodor's assistant, 1830

Some theorize that he didn't die of health issues. Instead, he was murdered. Feodor had a subordinate who was a bingus, Bingov, who had always hated Feodor. This theory was debunked since Bingov was in New Rinkus when Feodor died. Still, some people believe that Bingov murdered Feodor.
