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Bohfoot refers to a species of bipedal humanoid creatures with thick fur, and is native to Flopan. Bohfoot is currently a Flopanese urban legend and cryptid, and it currently reflects the popular urban legends of Flopan. Traces of Bohfoot are footsteps, approximately 6 inches and are collected by the National Flopan Bohfoot Collective. Bohfoot walks at night to find food and hunt other nocturnal animals, and its alleged that the saliva of Bohfoot is a mixture between sulfuric acid and oxygen. The Bohfoot were allegedly created in 1845 by an unknown force that came from the United Flops of America, and came to Flopan.

Biology and Genetics[]

Bohfoot specimens have thick fur and generate whiskers to talk with other Bohfoot. Bohfoot specimens use disruptive camouflage to defend from predators. Bohfoot specimens rely on asexual reproduction, and pregnancies' can start on any gender in later life. Bohfoot specimens have similar genes to Soggas, but Bohfoot specimens advanced to being different from Soggas on its own. Bohfoot have skeletons similar to humans, and muscles of the same kind as humans but they are divided into sub-muscles for an unknown reason.


Bohfoot have abnormally high intelligence understanding the mathematical formula for the tensors of general relativity. Bohfoot specimens have a daily pattern of passive-aggressive behavior, this daily pattern is among all genders of Bohfoot including third gender among the culture of Bohfoot.


The culture and the development of the civilization was somewhat its own. Bohfoot culture allowed third genders, which refer to a person who identified as neither a man or woman. And the cultural development was trying its best just to make a unique culture, but ended up with polyamory, and androgyny. Which all these sexual orientations and gender identities were generally accepted by Bohfoot specimens. Curious Bohfoot specimens were confused on the line with the gender expression between third gender, and the answer was that they were just Bohfoot specimens without gender expressing being a woman or man.
