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"Ayyo this ugly mofo a real one." -Big Floppa about a Bobby that helped Big Floppa get back up when he tripped.

The Bobby is a relative of the Floppa. It is known for having similar ears, albeit lacking ear tufts and the ability to flop effectively. They have an ingenious defense that allows them to escape most conflicts. The Bobby can cover themselves in oil and create rain above them to fly using a strange biological process. This takes a long while to "recharge" once used, with one Bobby not being able to use this ability for years after taking an hour long flight, Their scientific name is "Bobbisi Caracal"

The Bobby can live for two hundred years, however they are unlikely to because of violent racism towards them because they look "ugly".


A classic Bobby.


The exact history of the Bobby is unknown, however they are likely a descendant of the Floppa which evolved around the time that Soggas and Floppas bred to create a mix between the two. These mixed felines then reproduced with Floppas and created a proto-bobby. These Bobbys eventually evolved into what they are today.

Ancient fossils of strange creatures with a similar skeletal structure to Bobbys have been found, however it is unknown if they are related to Bobbys or not.
